Moving to the Tri-Cities

Moving to the Tri-Cities-

Let’s talk about moving… it is not fun. Exciting? Sure. Intimidating? I’ll agree to that. Exhausting? Absolutely!

There is just so much that has to be done in order to replicate the world that we once knew. Maybe that is the problem. We prefer to have things to be like they once were. We love these little pieces of our lives that give us comfort because it makes us feel as if we are in control. We do this in little ways, moving from New Mexico, perhaps I will try to find a “piece of home” here in Washington; maybe it is a restaurant or a particular view, perhaps it is just a picture I look at fondly and remember what used to be.

Back to the problem. Things that once were can never be what will be. That is the condition of moving. No matter how much we try, we can’t replicate it, so instead, we should embrace the new. We should embrace the new experiences and see what is right before us; living in the past is comfortable, but it is still the past.

In this regard, I think of Lot and his wife. In Genesis 12, Abram takes his nephew Lot to a new place… this is Abram’s first failure, “The LORD had said to Abram, “Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you.” (Genesis 12:1). Abram wanted to keep a little bit of his former life with him; God explicitly instructed him to leave his father’s household behind… yet Abram takes Lot. This problem multiplies in Lot and Abram’s life. Lot moves to be among the cities in Genesis 13; this would have been familiar to Lot, the land of Ur would have been more accommodating for city life… and Lot missed it.

In the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, Lot is given a test to see if he has learned his lesson of wishing things would stay the same… in other words… would he trust God? “As soon as they had brought them out, one of them said, “Flee for your lives! Don’t look back, and don’t stop anywhere in the plain! Flee to the mountains or you will be swept away! ” (Genesis 19:17). Don’t look back, and don’t stop. We see how this plays out in the tragic tale of Lot’s wife.  This passage is not a condemnation on reflecting or thinking about the past; however, it is a cautionary passage on trusting and relying on God.

As I settle into my new place here in the Tri-cities, I should reflect on this and realize that God has brought me here. And although returning back to the comfort of the known would be easier and safer, it is not where God has placed me… so I should pause and trust that God is in control.




Sunday Service 10/11/2020